Development of Fuzzy RUASP Model - Grasp Metaheuristics With Time Window: Case Study of Mount Semeru Eruption in East Java
Amelia Santoso, Riky Adi putra, Dina Natalia Prayogo dan Joniarto Parung

Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Surabaya


Due to its geographical location, Indonesia is very vulnerable to the volcano eruption. Volcanic eruptions always bring impact to the surrounding community. According to Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management or Badan National Penanggungan Bencana (2016,, the volcano erupts as a result of volcanic activity (eruption). Erupting volcanoes can pose many hazards. The eruption expelled hot lava, bursts of material (incandescent), volcanic ash, poisonous gases, etc from volcanic vent. In addition to causing a lot of casualties, the eruption some times caused tsunamies, also caused huge economic losses due to the number of damaged infrastructure and the need for high recovery costs. To mitigate the negative impact, especially the impact on the safety of the population, a disaster management is required. One of the concerns of disaster management is a proper allocation and scheduling of rescue teams in order to minimize evacuation time with expectations of saving as many lives as possible. For that purpose, RUASP (Rescue Unit Assignment and Scheduling Problem) optimization model by Rizqi (2016) is used as the initial model. This model has an objective to minimize a completion time of evacuation. This model considering many important factors, such as factors of severity of damages and capability of the rescue team. Though, there is still few crucial factors that have not been considered in this model. It is not yet considered a period for rescue teams to be able to perform their duties safely nor fuzzy time on the fields. Physical limitations and device limitations are the inhibiting factors for evacuation activities during low light conditions. However, this model has not considered a safe period for rescue teams while on duty. Therefore, we proposed a development model that considers safety time, by adding time window as a constraint and some adjustments to GRASP Metaheuristics steps.
To achieve the objectives of this research, systematic and structured steps are required in order not to deviate from the path. The first step is to identify the problem. The second step is to do the necessary literature study. The third step is defining the formulation and the purpose of the problem to be achieved. The fourth step is to set up a scenario that consists of some data obtained in the field (such as the location of the incident) and some assumption data (such as operational time). The fuzzy data is collected from the town surrounding mount Semeru. The data obtained in the field is related to the number of location of the incident as many as 17 locations and the location of the post that is located in Kota Lumajang. The fifth step is to arrange MATLAB programming for the initial method of GRASP Metaheuristics. To test the model we use a certain historical data. The completion time of new model is 21.92% faster than the initial model with computation time of 12.56 seconds.

Keywords: disaster, humanitarian logistics, scheduling dan allocating rescue team, GRASP Metaheuristics, time window

Topic: Emergency preparedness

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