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Characteristic Construction Stilt House Tiang Jangkung dan Bengkok of Kampung Toa Bikombang
Mohammad Mochsen Sir, Ria Wikantari, Abdul Mufti Radja, Syarif Beddu

Hasanuddin University, Faculty of Engineering, Department architecture


This research goal is to find characteristic of construction stilt house tiang jangkung dan bengkok (tall and bent poled) of Kampung Toa Bikombang. Knowledge regarding tall and bent poled stilt house was developed and understood by traditional community of Kampung Toa Bikombang and was inherited from generation to generation. Kampung Toa Bikombang in Selayar Island is an old village with its own unique architecture. Their stilt house was built on rocky slopes with steep height level difference between 5-10 metres. The shape of its pole is not straight. With their inherited knowledge from previous generations, Bikombang residents are able to build long-lasting houses, even last for hundreds of years. The fact that the houses was able to withstand years of various extreme climate and weather conditions shows that Kampung Toa Bikombang residents have some knowledge regarding structure and construction system of stilt house buildings.

This research uses Qualitative Research Method mentioned by Bogdan and Taylor in Moleong (1994). They described qualitative method as research procedure to produce descriptive data in written and verbal words from people. The research theoretic foundation is based on explorative approach with naturalistic paradigm. Field observation become the main focus in data collection regarding shape, structure and construction system of Kampung Toa Bikombang houses.

The research result shows the characteristic of Kampung Toa Bikombang tall and bent poled stilt housed. In structure system, pole was placed standing up on top of rocks sustained by pedestals (not planted in the ground), the length of pole adjusted with the contour of rocks and mostly rear part of the house is higher than then front part. Poled is placed standing in its intact form and every pole bent. Stage house was built by using a pole construction that is not straight and the placement of a pole bent with another pole with the opposite pattern, to provide stability in the construction

The result of this research is expected to preserve the knowledge of traditional society which has been inherited and passed down from generation to generation. We also hope it will help to expand and grow the knowledge from the tradional society especially for South Sulawesi architecture as an effort to preserve culture and architecture.

Keywords: Tall-bent poled stilt house, structure and construction system characteristic

Topic: Infrastructure and Environment

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